Indeedy, for I have after many months of indecision taken the steps to get a bigger tank!
As per my previous blog I am going to get a Aqua One AR620T which is holds about 130 litres. I have been told that tanks over are more stable, and quite frankly I cant get anything bigger without relocating!
So today the shipment arrived at the LFS (Local Fish shop) Edgecliff Pets, Hannes has been wonderful and has agreed to hold it in his shop until Saturday (tommorrow!!!) when steph and i can pick it up in the beemer.
Here is a pic of it at the shop
its huge!!! about 70cm x 80cm x 50cm! (steph will have to get the tyre out of the boot. im not sure how im going to get it into the car... but then ive gotten a Sony TV box in the Beemer, so this should be a piece of cake!
The little pieces of driftwood and the vacuum pump are for the tank. but i want a bigger piece of drift wood to run up the side of the tank... will have to go shopping!
Im going to keep a running tally of how much this tank will cost after total setup. but im betting that it will be in the $700 mark. (provided i dont kill the fish on a reg basis)
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