18 April 2006

Baby Snails around the corner

We caught them bonking!!
and the next picture is Jaws swam away with disgust (or looking for more food)

and before i forget...
Our new ornament addition to the goldfish tank comes...

complete with fake palm trees :)

10 April 2006

Thanks Martin

Thanks to Martin we have new plants to replace the flea bitten ones the angels have attacked!

nice and green now!

thinking of off loading some of the fishes... any takers for the sharks and barbs? and 2 of the angels?

7 April 2006

My little Gardeners...

I love my goldfish. theyre big, dumb, cute and very excited when they see you. Rather like big floppy dogs, only with scales and fins... and likes dogs they are avid gardeners. My Elodia that i painstakenly planted has all be uprooted by the feasting fishes and is all floating on the surface again!
But while in Hong Kong we ventured over to Ocean Park and visited the Goldfish Padoga. It was a very pretty sight! The big koi pond in the middle with a lovely fountian
There they taught me a trick! Now goldfish love to dig in the gravel for food/poo. So place some big rocks around the base of the plant... and SORTED!!! no uprooted plants again!
Goldfish tank in art form (the frame is hung up over the normal tank)
Beautiful long finned calico rumbunkin, behind the big rocks protecting the plants

6 April 2006

10 days later...

my god! The naturals have grown!

my little tykes are getting bigger and bigger!

and the little buggers have eaten all my vegetation again!!!

i need to keep piranhas next time...