31 December 2005

Back from Holidays

Im relieved to say that all fishes are accounted for and everything looks well in both tanks.

16 December 2005

Patch is in the Doghouse

Due to the severe bullying in the Tropical tank, Ive had to reinstall the breeders cage and now Patch has been penned in to give the rest of the tank some relief.

Another New tank coming!!!

wooohooo!!! im excited!!!

Ebay the motherland of bargain shopping! im about to pick up another tank. $200 bucks !

12 December 2005

Steph Denounces Bristlenoses.

“Those suckers aren’t doing their job!” Steph declared grumpily. “Look the glass is still dirty! They aren’t cleaning the right spots” (The bristlenoses prefer cleaning around the powerheads)

Eva quite exasperated, because they are fish. And Eva no tell fish what to do, they do as they please.

Eva: Well then get out their contract and we will file a complaint with the Working Fish Council.

Steph: Harumph!

3 December 2005

New critters

Because Patch is harassing Saddleback. Steph and I got new fish to distract Patch. So down at SLS, we picked up 4 little Silver sharks. Apparently they are all brothers.

here's a photo of them still in the bag. I figured that once I released them there would be a gnat's chance in snapping a photo of them again. But one can try...

30 photos later, probably the only decent photo I have. The rest are just blurs - They move too fast.

Patch instantly got on the job and started herding them into a corner

Rounding up the strays...

Info on Silver Sharks:

From the BFFB:
region: South East Asia
Habit: Peaceful and Active, will not chase smaller fishes
Water: Neutral
Temperature: 24 - 26*C
Size: They can grow quite big, but many books say that in a tank they will only grow to the tanks limitations
Food: Not fussy, likes boiled oatmeal.

Other links

The Fish Tank

2 December 2005

Photo Addict

Ever since I got a camera phone ive been snap happy

I took this one today. I particularly like the way the light filters down.

Two female congo tetras, one swimming into the "sunlight" (at 9pm) The other one just exiting stage right after an awesome rendition of "Where is had the food finger gone?"

Hot photo

This is a gorgeous photo of an angelfish. it looks like a normal one. Its doral fin is a bit chewed up but its beautiful all the same. :)

Latest Pics

I think I'm addicted to taking photos of the tank.

View from the right corner

Full frontal view
Patch has been
a very naughty boy
and poor Saddleback
has had his fins
Severely nipped.

Any suggestions?

My favourite view - the Right hand corner again!

1 December 2005

New Mates - Bristle Nose Catfishes

With the algae problem we decided to get some new suckers.

These critters are bristlenose catfish. or Ancistrus Sp. Apparently there are thousands, with very little difference. There were 2 types of Bristlenoses in the BFFB which matched the little critters in my tank:

Bushy-Mouthed Catfish (Ancistrus Dolichopterus)
Region: NE South America
Habit: Peaceful
Water conditiona: Not fussy, prefers soft acidic
Size: Up to 13 cms!! (mine are only 4cms long.)
Food: Loves greens, munches on algae

Photo from Aquarian

Pearl Sucker (Ancistrus Hoplogenys)
Region: All over South America
Habit: Mainly a nocturnal fish.
Water: Not fussy as long as it isnt too salty
Size: under 12.5cm
Food: Eats anything

Photo from Aquarienclub sorry its german or swedish

Hey all those stats mean nothing if you cant identify the fish. So here are some pics I took after chasing them up against the glass with a bamboo stick. (Rummy Noses werent happy - their noses went pink)

Heres some photos of one in our tank
(the other was under the heater and wouldnt budge)

These guys hang on the glass up the back or on the power heads, you can see their feeding trail as they munch along eating the algae in their path.