1 December 2005

New Mates - Bristle Nose Catfishes

With the algae problem we decided to get some new suckers.

These critters are bristlenose catfish. or Ancistrus Sp. Apparently there are thousands, with very little difference. There were 2 types of Bristlenoses in the BFFB which matched the little critters in my tank:

Bushy-Mouthed Catfish (Ancistrus Dolichopterus)
Region: NE South America
Habit: Peaceful
Water conditiona: Not fussy, prefers soft acidic
Size: Up to 13 cms!! (mine are only 4cms long.)
Food: Loves greens, munches on algae

Photo from Aquarian

Pearl Sucker (Ancistrus Hoplogenys)
Region: All over South America
Habit: Mainly a nocturnal fish.
Water: Not fussy as long as it isnt too salty
Size: under 12.5cm
Food: Eats anything

Photo from Aquarienclub sorry its german or swedish

Hey all those stats mean nothing if you cant identify the fish. So here are some pics I took after chasing them up against the glass with a bamboo stick. (Rummy Noses werent happy - their noses went pink)

Heres some photos of one in our tank
(the other was under the heater and wouldnt budge)

These guys hang on the glass up the back or on the power heads, you can see their feeding trail as they munch along eating the algae in their path.

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