Yesterday I bought 7 rummy nose tetras at the Edgecliff Pet Shop. These dudes are pretty groovy, their bodies are dull silver, but they have bright red noses and black and white tails.

They are also a great indicator of the water quality in the tank, as they lose their red noses when they are under stress. I took them all home (they didnt have any redness in their noses with the stress of travelling) When i set them free in the tank, they swam direclty to the bottom and mingled with the cardinals.

Then Patch came over to check them out. I’m not sure if Patch is a bully or just a doofus who wants to play with the little folks. And the little fish understandably - when something 5 times their size comes over, they swim for cover! But he does however forget about the wee ones when he sees that he has my attention, which makes me think he’s a bully to get attention.

It was a relief to see that their red noses glowing again after 20mins as they were feeding on the ground up fish food that i threw in.
Details on RummyNose Tetras from the BFFB page 330
Region: Lower Amazon Region
H: Peaceful and active
W: Established and well planted tank. WaterTemp: 26*C
S: 4 to 5 cm
F: Not fussy eaters
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