We got new fish on sunday. These critters are called Cardinal Tetras. They are different from Neons in that the red stripe goes the whole way over their bodies - neons only have a half red stripe.

I got a dozen for $45 bucks and the are pretty cool, they school and tend to hide in the background or over the sandstone rock. but they dart out when theres food, but only around the bottom where they can zip back into the undergrowth.

The angels have taken to chasing them, in particular Patch, who has a habbit of getting into everything that doesnt concern him. But overall, the cardis look like they're settling in.
Some Detial about Cardinals from the BFFB (big fat fish book):
BFFB: page 506
Region: Upper Rio Negro and Columbian Waterways
H: peaceful and active shoalers (6+ is ideal)
W: Soft clean and slightly acidic Water Temp 21-24*C
F: not fussy but a mixture should be small to fit in their mouths
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