- Steph didn't like cleaning the partitioned tank so he's gone back to the big vase.
- Big Vase has moved from the TV to the Kitchen bench
Planted Tank
- Swish took back the vase, so the planted tank was dead for a while
- PT was revived when Nigel gave me his spare tank, a 20L corner (diamond shaped) tank.
- PT was filled with amano soil, driftwood covered in java moss, some amibula, hair grass and java fern.
- PT died when steamboat forced us to move the living room around. PT was put outside for a cold winters night.
- PT's innards were used to create garden tank for babies.
Babies Tank
- The young ones are how free and swimming, Tina took 2, the rest (6) are living with little brother
- Plastic rocks arrived from HK
- Fish removed for tank redesign.
- Substrate and plants from PT Innards were added to BT
- Plants doing well, except for Java Moss, which is covered in fine particles from the amano soil.
- Bought catfish to help with the clogged up plants.
- Catfish very hard to find!!!
Papa Tank
- One of the scissortail had some strange growth happening at the base of his tail, scary. water changes and melafix, seem to have resolved the issue.
- Went almost 2 months without a water change, Tank water was very brown but ammonia levels were low! Hooray I have a perfect ecosystem.
- Algae was over running the tank. Water change would mean a scrubbing.
- Patch is very big now, about the size of my palm. and that's his body. adding fins he's bread plate size. well exaggerating a little.
- Natural Papa had some white stuff coming out of his head. Caused some worry, water change and some melafix and it had gone away! Phew!
- Filter isn't keeping up with the natural system will have to buy an external pump on the weekend.
- I think I'm ready for the 5 foot tank. Scary I Know but it would be so COOL! '
Tank Cam
- Steph is working on an under water tank cam. I think ill set up an outside tank cam too.
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