Not that bad! Even if i say so myself.
Music Tell me what the Rain Knows by Yoko Kanno from Wolf's Rain OST 2
The babies are a bit perplexed by them initially and keep pecking and
examining the catfish, however when the food showered they forgot all about
Is closed on Wednesdays!!! ARGH! Never knew!
I skipped out of work early so I could sneak in and get a fish fix.
Oh well
On another note, In the supermarket they were selling pool filters quite cheaply and I wondered if It would pick up some of the floaties I have in the big tank. Oh my did it pick up heaps! Kinda embarrassing…
And the tank got another waterchange to boot. :)
I had purchased ages ago a 11W compact flourscent hood with an 11W floursent globe.
Glosso in a 20L tank needs about 30W of light. So ill need to find another compact light system.
I hate water changes… but I think ive found a solution!
Plant an Aquaclear 50 Powerhead in your tank, make sure you have a long PVC tube that fits over the outlet nozzle and pump the water out! Then putting fresh water back in, use the reverse flow and suck the treated water out of the bucket or straight from the tap! (adding treatment to the tank first.
Hrm… I wonder what effects it will have? At least the carpet wont get drenched so badly!
Equipment Manual
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