16 January 2006

Noah Syndrome


I came across this term while reading about Mike Edwards Breeding trials for various fishes. It means buying fishes in pairs, which is generally not a good idea for fish as they prefer to live in shoals ie 10 or more.

In his words,
"When I had my first tropical tank as a kid, I succumbed to a bad case of Noah Syndrome (two of them, two of them and a pair of them...). Into my shiny new 10 gallon tank went a pair of red wagtail platies and a pair of tiger barbs. Within an hour, the platies were dead and the tiger barbs had been returned to an understanding LFS owner."
And i have to admit that i suffered the very same illness when i first setup this tank. But thankfully i had read up on tetras and purchased a shoal rather than a pair!

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