These critters are bristlenose catfish. or Ancistrus Sp. Apparently there are thousands, with very little difference. There were 2 types of Bristlenoses in the BFFB which matched the little critters in my tank:
Bushy-Mouthed Catfish (Ancistrus Dolichopterus)
Region: NE South America
Habit: Peaceful
Water conditiona: Not fussy, prefers soft acidic
Size: Up to 13 cms!! (mine are only 4cms long.)
Food: Loves greens, munches on algae
Photo from Aquarian
Region: All over South America
Habit: Mainly a nocturnal fish.
Water: Not fussy as long as it isnt too salty
Size: under 12.5cm
Food: Eats anything
Photo from Aquarienclub sorry its german or swedish
Hey all those stats mean nothing if you cant identify the fish. So here are some pics I took after chasing them up against the glass with a bamboo stick. (Rummy Noses werent happy - their noses went pink)