It just occured to me that i have many other friends in my smaller tanks that i have not yet introduced!

Meet Swish - Swish is a common Siamese Fighting fish. He's been in my care for almost 6 months and he lives in a tank between Dom and My cubicle. Recent I removed his backing paper so now he has a view of finance. And everytime finance people use the archives, Swish swims over and has a look. Im sure he could tell you the state of the companyis finance with a flick of his tail!

Here is Francios and GG (Greedy General) these 2 are new recruits and live in the HR office. In the past they have had a high mortality rate so I have been elected to look after them.
GG is a fantail and Frankie is a common goldfish, with all his points (tail and fins dipped in black) he also has a little moutashe on him. And he is very highly strung. Must come from his mothers side.

And here are our other fishes
Revlon - is a common goldfish, red and white in colour. Named for his strip of red across his lips he and Jaws are the oldest fish in our tank. Over a year old, he is the food specalist of the tank. Food is his number one, two and three priority.

Jaws is a long finned comet, all gold, Steph named gave him a big name to fill in and boy did he do it. Jaws has a habit of ramming Revlon while Revlon is trying to feed. Normally Revlon with ignore Jaws, straighten up and continue feeding. But every now and then Revlon will fight back and they will butt each other in circles.

NoName - is a newish addition. Totally camouflague, but very shy as you can see hes always hiding in the background. However with the new plants in the tank hes been a bit more adventurous and comes out with Jaws and Revlon for food.

Chopsticks 2.01 and 2.02 (Version 1 died due to malnutrition) are the two catfishes which help keep the tank clean, little grazers that munch on the algae growth all over the tank.
They too chase each other around. One is a bit more shy, the other comes out a bit more often. With the newly planted Val grass, they have found a new game. Munching their way up the val grass, until it bends down with their weight. then they let go. and the Val grass floats back up. Quite amusing