25 August 2007

My first uploaded Movie

Not that bad! Even if i say so myself.

Music Tell me what the Rain Knows by Yoko Kanno from Wolf's Rain OST 2

15 August 2007

13 August 2007

Papa Natural Is Sick

I have diagnosed Papa Natural ("PN") with Hole in the Head Disease.

Its a nasty looking disease but easily treated. Ive moved him into a hospital tank and dosed the tank with salt which will kill the bacteria and protozoan that is currently munching on him. (GROSS)

Ive also raised the temperature of the water, this will speed up the metabolism.

According to Wiki and many other websites its a dietary issue. However we feed them Tetramin and frozen bloodworms along with some Nutrifin. So i cant see it being a diet issue.

Never mind. Daily water changes for a while and see if that helps the healing.

8 August 2007

Vinyl Pulse: Devilrobots - Smery

Stinky Tofu has an action figure! Vinyl Pulse: Devilrobots - Smery and get this - it complete with smell! Yes people - you have the choice of Standard, Spicy or Wasabi! Yum!

As they say in the entertainment business - "You know you've made it when they release an your action figure"

Stinky is here to stay.

3 August 2007


Miss you Revlon. RIP

Tank in the Chinese Festive Season

Going through the photos i found this one of the tank during Chinese New Year...