I really like the guys at Eukbana! they may have weird piercings all over their faces but they are so pet orientated! (Its kinda funny seeing a 6 foot guy with tats, dreadlocks and facial piercings going goo-goo gaa-gaa over a little carmel poodle with a nice pretty face.)
The goldfish were looking a bit lonely in their massive tank so we decided to get them some playmates. Enter in 10 Danios, mixture of Lepoard and Zebra.

Zebra Danios have long horizontal stripes on them running from head throught to tail.

They originated off the Cormmandel Coast of India, according to the LFFB. They are peaceful, VERY Active schooling fish. They like clean well areated water and only grow to about 5cms in length. Feeding wise they will eat everything, and flit about looking for more food.

The Lepoard Danios are not as vividly striped but under the right light they have a lovley irridecent pink/blue along with their irregular spots. Not exactly true lepoard danios according to the photo in the LFFB, but lovley none the less. They grow a little bit bigger than the Zebras (6cms) and are easier to photograph. the Zebras were buggers!
The Goldfish dont really stand a chance but they have bigger mouths and can suck more down.