25 November 2006

Like Father Like Son...

Or maybe its mother and daughter... hard to tell when there that small

6 November 2006

ASP Space Aquarium

Ooh this is sooo cool! Aquariums have followed the Plasma and these babies are lean! Imagine this masterpiece in your bedroom, or a back drop for your sofa, or even a window between your kitchen and living area. For more info look here

Cool Fish Coffee Table

oh how cool would this be!!!

even better you can BUY IT!

click here

I want it! but Steph wont let me *cries*

and some how I cant see how the Lazy Susan can be dropped in that glass table top.

UPDATE: why buy when you can MAKE IT
(might have to sign up to get the instructions)

1 November 2006

heh heh...

big googly eyes are cute ^_^

Oh what a feeling! err Feelers!

The best yet!!!

Daily Photos

They're getting bigger... and now recognise people as feeding servants...
What does a fish have to do to get service around here???

More Photos

29 October 2006

Hooray they have fins!

its like a baby's first tooth :D

However not all the fry have donned the Fin... only 3 of the biggest.

25 October 2006

The before and After...

Here are the baby fry with empty tummies

ooh I'm full of Brine Shrimp!

So full they can swim far off the floor of the enclosure

22 October 2006

Baby Photos

Maybe i should enter these in the weirdest baby competition?


Probably the best photo I've got of the fry EVER

20 October 2006

The light! head towards the light!

brine shrimp are attracted to light. here they are pooling at the waters surface

well fed fry

fat tummies!


A $10 purchase and now i have all the babies in a little fry raising corral. this photo was taken just after feeding them newly hatched brine shrimp.

"Who you looking at???"

Tired Mum and Tired Dad

Normally Mama and Papa have black stripes on their bodies but when they're tired or need to sleep they switch them off.

Must get smaller cleaning hose

or spend the rest of the night on my knees with a turkey baster sucking up babies.

19 October 2006

Vegans and Seafood Lovers

Some like shrimp... and some like their greens.

the big fat ones with pink tummies like their brine shrimp, the skinny ones with green bellys prefer to graze on the algae growing everywhere (because the lights are on 24/7)


Any hint for taking photos of 3mm buggers that zip around a 90L tank?

15 October 2006

Meanwhile in the other tank


Patch is bigger than Saddleback and is picking Harry Kewl to shreds. so into the doghouse he goes.

Aggressive, Protective Parents

These two would put any agro parent coaching their 3 year old to kick a soccer ball to shame...
But they keep the catfish at bay so thats a good thing i suppose.

Packed Lunch

Baby Fish have small mouths so you have to grow their food - Baby Brine Shrimp
Brine Shrimp Setup.

They Died but dont worry! Round TWO!

peek a boo!

Full Frontal

2 October 2006

Baby Fed

Dont make me swim! im full of baby brine shrimp!

Must eat foood....

Little tyke looking for a bite to eat

1 October 2006


Mama with the free swimmers on day 7

29 September 2006

28 September 2006

28 August 2006

Fancy Rearing Seahorses?

hrm prehaps another time for me... i dont have enough room :(

but hey whats stopping you?


21 August 2006


Trimmed the Hydrophilia... I need more low lying plants

New layout

20 August 2006


New Fish have joined the tank, these are called YoYo Loaches but officially called Pakistani Loaches (Botia Lohachata) i guess
YoYo is more appealing. name so because on their side it looks like the word YoYo have been written down them.

The little snails that were introduced to deal with the algae, have now overun the tank and my plants have a rather spotty nature. The Hurstville Aquarium shop suggested that i put in some loaches.

They are rather interesting, one little loach was foraging when Patch tried to check him out, i wish i had a photo of it!! a little white fish and a big massive angel hehehe. While the other three are occupying themselves with dancing up and down the right side of the tank.

19 August 2006

Round 2...

This time it was Little Brothers Revenge (LBR) and Saddleback.

While we were at Andrews and Kathleens enjoying a steam boat dinner and a game of Scattergories, LBR and Saddle were busy at work laying down the babies.

ooh im a grandma again! hahaha

ahh a picture of parental care!

25 June 2006

Baby Socceroos defeated by Cardinal Tetras

The eggs grew fur, and so did the plants (algae bloom) so the lights were switched off... and tonight prior to bed i had a look see, and the mother had abandoned the eggs and some very happy Cardinal Tetras were feasting.

Oh well theres always next time.

But first a tank make over!

23 June 2006

HAHA! Fooled ya!! BUT...

Another event on that fateful day of 23rd of June

OMG! OMG! OMG! After celebrating the Socceroos Draw and entry into the World Cup Top 16...


Right now I'm watching them lay eggs on a high-rise ambulia leaf! Patch and Saddleback are either practising egg laying or fertalizing them, while the unnamed female splotchy now named Harry Kewl for the footballer that saved the Socceroo's bacon.

Ill now have to call all the babies socceroos! Or maybe I'll name 3/5 of them "Ole!" and the remainder "Aussie!"

Pity they will be black white and gold not blue green and yellow. But its still an event worth recording!

Steph and I are Grandparents! ROFL

18 April 2006

Baby Snails around the corner

We caught them bonking!!
and the next picture is Jaws swam away with disgust (or looking for more food)

and before i forget...
Our new ornament addition to the goldfish tank comes...

complete with fake palm trees :)